Learn about Savio
- Getting Started
- How Savio Works
- Triaging Feedback
- Managing Users
- Closing the Loop
- Voting Boards
- Importing People, Companies, and Attributes
- Connecting Your Support Tool
- Chrome Extension
- Emailing Feedback
- Integration for Slack
- Creating Feedback Templates
- Tips for Triaging Effectively
- Managing Custom Attributes
- Saved Filters
- Hubspot Integration
- Importing Historical Data
- Using Savio's API
- Setting “Feedback From”
- Exporting Your Data
- → Feature Request Details Page
- Setting Up Savio
- How To Be Successful with Savio
- The Four Problems Savio Solves
- Segment Integration
- Help Scout Integration
- Zendesk Integration
- Intercom Integration
- Salesforce Integration
- Customizing Feature Request List Columns
- Customizing Feature Request and Feedback Attributes
- Moving Feedback
- Savio's Integrations and Their Features
- Daily Digest Email
- Running a Product Meeting
- Zapier Integration
- Voting on Behalf of (VOBO)
- Single Sign-On
- Configuring Voting Board Access
- Using Feedback Forms
- The My Feedback Page
- Using Tags
- Filtering Feedback and Feature Requests
- Jira Integration
- Shortcut Integration
- Using the Zendesk App
- Using Products and Product Areas
- Using Roadmaps
- Using Comments
Using the Feature Request Details Page
Savio lets you do more than just capture feedback and use it to help you prioritize feature requests. It can also help you understand what your customers need in terms of feature requirements. When you’re designing a feature, start by understanding what your customers need.
You can do that right from the feature request details page.
In this article, we'll cover:
How to find the feature request details page
The feature request details page gives you all the verbatim feedback that you’ve been provided that’s relevant to a given feature request. To find the details page, do the following:
1. Log into Savio, and select “Feature Requests” in the left sidebar.
2. Click on the name of the feature request for which you’d like to see more details.
What’s on the feature request details page
Now you can scroll down and explore all the feedback that has been provided that is relevant to this feature request. Here you’ll see some important details about the feature.
Status: This attribute shows you the status of the feature request. It’ll tell you whether the feature request is “Untriaged”, “Under Consideration”, “Planned”, “In Progress”, “Shipped”, “Closed”, or “Won’t Do”.
Prio: This attribute shows you the priority of the feature request, if you set it. Possible values are ”Low”, “Medium”, or “High”.
Effort: This attribute shows you the effort it would take to build the feature, if you set it. Possible values are “Low”, “Medium”, or “High”.
Count: This is the combined number of pieces of feedback and votes for a given feature request.
From X People: This tells you the number of pieces of feedback and votes there are for a given feature request when each person is counted only once.
At X Companies: This tells you the number of pieces of feedback and votes there are for a given feature request when each company is counted only once.
Total MRR: This is the total MRR from each of the individuals and companies that gave feedback or voted for a given feature request. It tells you how much revenue you get from the clients that are requesting a particular feature.
Opened X days ago: This tells you how long ago the feature was first requested.
Last requested X days ago: This tells you how recent the most recent request for this feature was.
- X Vote(s) & Y Piece(s) Of Feedback: This attribute breaks down the total feedback count for this feature. A vote is feedback without a description or verbatim quote from a customer. Internal users from your teams can vote on behalf of a customer or these can come from your public voting board. Feedback comes from a customer and has a verbatim attached to it.
Tip: You can filter to see only the pieces of feedback or only the votes. To do it, click one of the filters available at the top of the list of feedback.
Use “Feedback Only” to see all the verbatims without the noise of votes.
Use “Votes Only” to see what your customers are saying on your voting board.
Use “Loop not closed” if you’re closing the loop in batches and you want to find those customers who have not yet been notified that you built their feature.
Use feedback to understand what people are asking for
One way to use this verbatim feedback is to understand what your customers are asking for in a given feature. The power of the customer verbatims in Savio is that you get the nuance you need to deeply understand what they want.
When it’s not clear what your customers want, we’ve made it easy to find out more.
You can get more details from the original conversation
If your feedback came in from a source tool that you connected to Savio or from Slack, you can easily go back to that conversation to read the original thread. Just click the “View in source app” link.
You can email and ask for more information
You can also quickly email people right from the details page and ask for more information. To email the people who have provided feedback:
1. Click “Select people to contact”.
2. Select the checkbox next to the names of the customers that you want to email.
3. Click “Compose Email to X People”. If you prefer to send from your own email client instead of through Savio, you can click “Copy Emails to Clipboard” and paste the list of email recipients in the “To:” field.
4. Draft your email and send it. In addition to asking customers for clarification, this is also a very convenient way to close the loop when you build a feature that your customers asked for.
Reaching out to your customers to get more clarity on their needs is one effective way to use the feature request details page.
Note: When a customer replies to an email you send from Savio, their email goes directly to your email inbox. It gets sent to the email address that you used to log into Savio. You can change the address that customer replies are sent to by adding an email address to the reply-to field:
In the above example customer emails will be sent to jeff@example.com.
Use Comments to collaborate and get more details from your team
Savio has a Comments feature that gives you the ability to discuss, clarify, and get additional context from your team on both feedback and feature requests right within Savio. Comments allow you to clarify unclear feedback during triage, discuss the scope, resourcing, and technical considerations of a feature request with team members, and have an ongoing thread with your team on the best way to implement a feature request.
Use the feedback to develop feature specifications
Often your customers say explicitly what they need a feature to do. That gives you a lightweight set of requirements for building the feature. It can help ensure that we build what our customers actually need.
For example, imagine we were updating the permissions and roles. Some of our existing feedback gives us a sense of what our customers need us to build.
These customers are making it clear that they would like a manager permissions level and a reader permissions level with some ideas about what each level should be able to do.