Close the Loop
Notify customers when you ship their requests to reduce churn and win more deals.
Close the loop at scale
Send a personal email to dozens (or hundreds) of requesters when you ship a feature they asked for.
Use a "close the loop" email template to save time write your email notification.
Quickly send a personalized note to every requester
Reduce churn and drive expansion revenue
Give current customers reasons to stay and opportunities to expand by telling them when you ship features they requested.
Close the loop on Feature Requests from active customers to reduce churn
Win more deals
Give sales a reason to re-enage when you ship features prospects and lost deals require to become customers.
Have a reason to reenage and win more lost deals
Fits your workflow
BCC your CRM to keep track of outbound emails. Have replies to your emails go to your help desk (or you). Keep track of which customers have been notified.
See who you notified (and who you still need to notify)