Capturing Feedback using Savio’s Integration for Slack

We know lots of companies have a dedicated customer feedback channel in Slack and that can quickly turn into a massive stream of unorganized feature requests. And with Slack Connect, more and more companies are using Slack to communicate directly with customers.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

We’ve made it easy to push Slack messages into Savio so you can organize all your feedback and use it to build better software.

We’ve also built the integration so that you can share Savio feedback with your teams in Slack. That lets them keep a finger on the pulse of what your customers are asking for.

In this article, we’ll explain how to set up your integration for Slack and send feedback from Slack to Savio. We’ll cover:

Quick overview video

Here’s a quick video of how it works.

How to set up your integration for Slack

1. In Savio, click your name in the top right corner and select “Integrations”.

Screenshot of main menu with integrations highlighted

2. Scroll down to find the integration with Slack and click “Add to Slack”.

Screenshot of slack integration button

3. Click “Allow” to let Savio connect with your Slack workspace.

Screenshot of the slack integration setup

4. Choose your feedback channel. Savio will listen to this channel for messages and ask if you want to send messages in this channel to your Savio Feedback vault. When you’ve chosen the channel you want Savio to listen to, click “Save Channel”.

Screenshot - choosing feedback channel

Great! Now Savio’s connected to Slack.

Sending feedback to Savio from your Slack feedback channel

Whenever you or a teammate posts a message to the feedback channel you’ve selected, Savio will ask you whether the message is customer feedback (this message is only visible to you.)

1. Click “Yes” to send the message to Savio.

A message in Slack where Savio offers to send customer feedback to your feedback vault.When you post a message in the channel you told Savio to listen to, Savio will ask you if your message is feedback. The message is only visible to you.

2. Fill in the feedback pop-up form.

Customer Problem: Clearly communicate your customer’s feedback here—use a verbatim, if possible. This field will be automatically populated with the message you chose to push to Savio, but you may need to edit the message or clarify it. This field is required.

Choose an existing Person: If your feedback is from a customer that already exists in your Savio database, you can choose that person from the drop-down menu. This field is optional.

Or add a new one: If your feedback is from a customer that is not already in your Savio database, you can add that person by entering their email address in this field. This field is optional.

Feedback From: Select whether the customer that provided this feedback is an active customer, a churned customer, a lost deal, or a prospect. This field is optional. Note: You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Importance to Customer: Here, you can indicate how important a feature request is to the customer. For example, you can indicate it as a “Nice to have” or a “Must have”. This field is optional. Note: You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Product and Product Area: Here, you can categorize the feedback or feature request as being relevant to one of your product or product areas. This field is optional. Note: The product and product areas feature is only available on certain plans. You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Feature Request: If the feedback is related to a feature request that already exists in your Savio database, you can choose to add it here. This field is optional.

3. Click “Save” to send the message to your Savio feedback inbox. Savio will automatically post a response to the message thread confirming that the feedback was received.

ImgSavio responds to the thread to confirm the feedback was received.

4. Click the response to view the feedback in Savio. Your feedback will be waiting for you in your Feedback inbox ready for you to triage.

screenshot of example slack feedback

Here’s a quick video of how it all works:


Sending feedback to Savio from any public channel

In addition to the specific feedback channel that you select for Savio to listen to, you can also send messages from any public channel in your Slack workspace to Savio. Here’s how.

1. Hover your mouse over a message and select the “More Actions” icon with three vertical dots.

Screenshot of slack feedback more actions

2. Select the “Push to Savio” option.

Screenshot of pushing messages as feedback to Savio

3. Fill in the feedback pop-up form.

Customer Problem: Clearly communicate your customer’s feedback here—use a verbatim, if possible. This field will be automatically populated with the message you chose to push to Savio, but you may need to edit the message or clarify it. This field is required.

Choose an existing Person: If your feedback is from a customer that already exists in your Savio database, you can choose that person from the drop-down menu. This field is optional.

Or add a new one: If your feedback is from a customer that is not already in your Savio database, you can add that person by entering their email address in this field. This field is optional.

Feedback From: Select whether the customer that provided this feedback is an active customer, a churned customer, a lost deal, or a prospect. This field is optional. Note: You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Importance to Customer: Here, you can indicate how important a feature request is to the customer. For example, you can indicate it as a “Nice to have” or a “Must have”. This field is optional. Note: You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Product and Product Area: Here, you can categorize the feedback or feature request as being relevant to one of your product or product areas. This field is optional. Note: The product and product areas feature is only available on certain plans. You can disable this field so it does not appear.

Feature Request: If the feedback is related to a feature request that already exists in your Savio database, you can choose to add it here. This field is optional.

4. Click “Save”. The message will be sent to your Savio feedback inbox ready for you to triage.

Here’s a quick video of how it all works:


Sending feedback updates to Slack from Savio

The integration for Slack also lets you share the other way: from Savio to Slack. You can configure the integration to send a message to Slack when you receive new feedback, when your team triages feedback, or when a feature request changes status.

Why share feedback from Savio into Slack?

This feature helps deliver transparency into what your customers are asking for.

Many of your teams might not have good visibility into customer needs. This feature solves that problem by giving them easy access to the information they need to keep a finger on the customer pulse.

It can also help them keep track of where various features are in the development pipeline.

Here’s what it looks like

How to send updates from Savio to Slack

You can set up sharing updates from Savio to Slack on the Integration for Slack page. To get it going, configure the following settings.

Screenshot of post to Slack settings

1. Which Channel Should Savio Post Messages To? Select the Slack Channel into which you want to receive feedback updates from Savio. For example, we chose “demo-feedback-stream”. Now, Savio will push feedback updates to the “demo-feedback-stream” channel in our Slack workspace.

Next, select which kinds of updates Savio will send.

2. When Feedback is Created. By checking this box, Savio will send updates to the Slack channel you chose any time a piece of new feedback gets created or sent to Savio from a feedback source.

3. When Feedback is Triaged. By checking this box, Savio will send updates to the Slack channel you chose any time a piece of feedback gets triaged.

4. When A Feature Request Changes Status. By checking this box, Savio will send updates to the Slack channel you chose any time a feature request has its status changed. Status changes help you track the feature through your dev workflow.

Tip: If you set up the Jira or Shortcut integrations, changes your Devs make in those tools will update in both Savio and in Slack.

Posting new feedback updates to Slack

Now, imagine you create a piece of new feedback in Savio. If you’ve checked the “When Feedback is Created” checkbox, Savio will post an update about the feedback in Slack.

Screenshot of posting new feedback to Slack

Savio will post information about:

  • The person who gave the feedback and customer attributes like their MRR, Plan, job title, and lifecycle stage (Tip: You can customize which attributes are displayed)

  • The verbatim feedback

  • The feature request the feedback has been assigned to

  • The number of requests for that feature

  • The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature

  • The product and product area of that feature request, if available

  • What kind of customer the feedback is from

  • The importance of the feature to the customer

Posting triage updates to Slack

Similarly, you can choose to post triage updates to Slack. If you do, when your team triages a piece of feedback, it will be posted to your chosen Slack channel.

Savio will post information about:

  • The person who gave the feedback and customer attributes like their MRR, Plan, job title, and lifecycle stage (Tip: You can customize which attributes are displayed)

  • The verbatim feedback

  • The feature request the feedback has been assigned to

  • The number of requests for that feature

  • The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature

  • The product and product area of that feature request, if available

Posting feature request status updates to Slack

Finally, you can opt for Savio to post feature request status updates to Slack.

Savio will post information about:

  • The feature request

  • The new status of the feature request

  • The number of requests for the feature

  • The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature

  • A link to view the feature request in Savio

  • A link to view the feature request in Jira or Shortcut, if you set up those integrations

Power-user tip: dealing with discussion

Sometimes there’s discussion about what a customer needs or about the best solution for them. We suggest waiting until your team arrives at a solution and sending only one message with a summary of the feedback or the solution. That way, your feedback inbox isn’t bombarded with potentially irrelevant comments.

Last Updated: June 20 2023