How To Configure Voting Boards for Four Different Kinds of Access

Savio voting boards are public by default, but you may wish to change that depending on your needs.

We see four typical scenarios for using voting boards. Each one requires different kinds of access and different privacy settings. In this article, we explain each type and how to configure it. We’ll cover:

  1. Make your voting board public

  2. Make your voting board available only to your team

  3. Make your voting board available only to your app users

  4. Make a public voting board that only your users can contribute to

Option 1: Make your voting board public

Voting boards are public by default. That means that anyone can visit the voting board and see public feature requests and feedback (all feature requests and feedback that your customers have left through the voting board will be public). On a public voting board, anyone can vote for a feature request, leave a public comment, or add a new feature request as long as they’ve created a Savio account.

Note: Feedback and feature requests you receive through private channels, like your support tool, a CRM, email, Slack, or the Chrome Extension, remain private.

Read more: Voting board privacy.

To configure a Public Voting Board, do the following:

1. Log into Savio, click “Voting Board” in the left-hand menu, and then click the edit icon beside the voting board.


2. Scroll down to “Visibility Settings”, select “Open to the public”, and click “Update”. This will make the board open to the public to see and contribute to.

Note: These settings are the default settings for voting boards. You do not need to set up SSO for a voting board configured in this way.

Option 2: Make your voting board available only to your team

You can change the settings on your voting board to make it available only to an audience you invite to contribute to it. For example, you might want to make a board that’s only available internally to members of your organization.

To configure the settings for this option, do the following:

1. Log into Savio, click “Voting Board” in the left-hand menu, and then click the edit icon beside the voting board.

2. In the “Visibility Options” drop-down menu, select “Only authenticated users” and click “Update”. This will require users to log in to view the voting board.

This will require users to log into Savio to view the voting board. Users will have to have an “Owner”, “Admin”, or “Submitter” role in Savio to be able to access the voting board.

Read more:* *Managing Users

Note: Users that log into Savio will be able to see both public and private feature requests and feedback on the voting board.

Option 3: Make your voting board available only to your app users

You might want to only allow users of your own app to be able to see and contribute to your voting board (without creating a Savio account). You can do that by getting them to authenticate against your app with Savio’s Single Sign-On (SSO) feature.

To set up your voting board in this way, do the following:

1. Log into Savio, click “Voting Board” in the left-hand menu, and then click the edit icon beside the voting board.

2. In the “Visibility Options” drop-down menu, select “Only authenticated users”.

3. Click “Manage Single Sign-On (SSO)”, set it up, and click “Update”.

***Read more: *Set up Single Sign-On in Savio.

Option 4: Make a public voting board that only your users can contribute to

In this scenario, you might want everyone to be able to see your voting board, but only allow users of your app to contribute to it.

You might choose this option, for example, if you use your voting board as a marketing tool. You want your potential customers to see the board and see that you’re shipping new features, but you don’t want to allow anyone except your current users to provide feedback or make new feature requests.

To set up your voting board in this way, do the following:

1. Log into Savio, click “Voting Board” in the left-hand menu, and then click the edit icon beside the voting board.

2. In the “Visibility Options” drop-down menu, select “Open to the public”.

3. Click “Manage Single Sign-On (SSO)”, set it up, and click “Update”.

Now your voting board is visible to anyone on the Internet, but only users that authenticate with your app through Savio’s SSO will be able to add feature requests or feedback.

Note:* Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. *Learn more about Savio.

Last Updated: October 25 2021