New Feature 🥳: Push Feedback Updates to Slack
Customer-centricity just got a little bit easier.
We’ve just launched new features in our Slack integration.
Before, you could only send feedback from Slack into your Savio vault. That was great, but many customers told us that their teams felt in the dark—they didn’t have great visibility into the feedback that customers were sharing.
So we built a feature that lets you receive automatic updates on feedback in a dedicated Slack channel. That way, your whole team can see what customers are asking for, what feature requests feedback is associated with, and what the status of feature requests is.
Here’s how it works.
Why enhance visibility into customer feedback?
It’s usually Product and CS teams that work directly with Savio to collect, organize, and prioritize feature requests.
But while other teams may not spend their day using Savio, they do often want to keep their pulse on the needs of customers.
Also, when everyone is on the same page with customer needs, it’s easier to prioritize, justify, or advocate for one feature over another.
This new feature enhances visibility into customer feedback by automating feedback updates in a dedicated Slack channel.
Note: We built this feature because Savio users asked for it! Feel free to ask for other features you might like or vote on our customer voting board.
How does it work?
First, you configure your settings. You choose the Slack channel where you want feedback updates posted, and then you choose which kinds of updates you want. You can choose to get updates when:
New feedback gets created or sent to your Savio vault
Feedback gets triaged—i.e. Processed and assigned to a feature request
A feature request’s status gets updated
Get updates when new feedback gets created
You can configure Savio so that it posts an update in a Slack feedback channel when you create new feedback in-app, or when feedback is sent to Savio from another feedback source (think Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce, etc).
The feedback post includes a bunch of information about the person and the feedback, including:
The person who gave the feedback and attributes about them
The verbatim feedback
The feature request the feedback has been assigned to
The number of requests for that feature
The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature
Get updates when feedback gets triaged
You can also set up Savio to post updates when you Triage a piece of feedback and assign it to a feature request.
Savio will post information about:
The person who gave the feedback and their attributes
The verbatim feedback
The feature request the feedback has been assigned to
The number of requests for that feature
The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature
Get updates when a feature request’s status gets updated
Finally, set it up to receive updates when a feature request status changes as it moves through your dev workflow. If you set up the Jira or Shortcut configuration, you’ll get these status updates automatically when your dev team moves features through the workflow in those tools.
Savio will post information about:
The feature request
The new status of the feature request
The number of requests for the feature
The total MRR from customers who asked for that feature
A link to view the feature request in Savio
A link to view the feature request in Jira or Shortcut, if you set up those integrations
I’m in—how do I set it up?
Get it! This feature is currently available on all pricing plans, so you’re good to go.
You can configure the settings from your Slack integration page. You can find the full, step-by-step instructions here.
Not yet set up with a Savio account? Sign up here for a free trial (don’t worry, it’s really free—no credit card needed).
Last Updated: 22-11-2022/f/84825/390x390/7114e16710/founder-headshot-kareem.png)
Kareem Mayan
Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.
Prioritize high-value Feature Requests
Centralize customer feedback from HubSpot, Intercom, and Slack.
Prioritize high-value features sorted by churned revenue or MRR.
Close the loop for Sales and CS by automating status updates from JIRA.