New Feature 🥳: Product Roadmaps
Pop the champagne and cue the confetti cannons—Our team has just launched product roadmaps in Savio.
Savio roadmaps make it easier than ever to build a visual product roadmapping document where each item is directly backed by customer feedback and feature requests.
And once you build your roadmap, you can now share it with your internal teams, execs, and even your customers.
Why product roadmaps?
There are three main reasons to create and share product roadmaps.
Internal alignment. When you clearly communicate what you’re planning to build, the rest of your team can more effectively collaborate. Sales knows what to sell, Marketing knows what content to push out, Dev knows what they’re going to have to build, CS knows what they can tell customers is coming, and Support knows what help they might have to give. Having a clear product vision helps keep everyone pulling in the same direction.
Context. Savio’s is one of the only roadmaps that clearly displays feedback data. We call it an “evidence-based roadmap” because each card on your Roadmap has revenue and qualitative customer insights available in a single click. That helps your execs, team, and customers understand why you’re prioritizing the features you are.
Customer loyalty. Sharing product roadmaps with your current customers helps them see that you are listening to their feedback. If they can see that a feature they want is in the pipeline, it might help prevent churn. And if a prospect can see that the roadmap has features they want, they might be more likely to buy.
Savio’s roadmaps are fully customizable and easy to use
Sometimes you want a roadmap to be public; other times you want to keep it private. Sometimes you want all your features to be on it; other times, you just want to display a subset.
Our roadmaps are fully customizable Kanban-style roadmap boards.
Savio roadmaps are kanban-style boards. You can add as many list stages as you like and customize the names.
To move features from one list to another, simply drag and drop.
Managing your roadmap is as easy as dragging and dropping.
You can also quickly sort columns by variables like number of votes or revenue.
Sort your lists by feature request attributes like revenue or the number of votes for a feature.
You’re in complete control of your roadmap:
You decide what the columns are. Add as many stages as you like.
You decide what goes on the board. You can add any or all of your feature requests.
You decide who sees it. Keep your board accessible only to your internal team members, or make it available to anyone with a public link.
Roadmaps display feature request attributes
We’ve built the roadmaps such that they display both the name of the feature, as well as critical information about it, like:
How many requests it has, so you can see how popular it is
The cumulative revenue associated with it, so you can see how valuable it is
Whether the feature is public or private
Roadmaps can display critical information about feature requests so you can justify roadmap product decisions. But you can also hide this information if you want.
This provides the direct evidence you need to justify product decisions to stakeholders. For example, you can justify building X over Y because it has greater revenue associated with it, so it’ll have a larger impact.
And if you need to, click into a feature request card, and you’ll see all the feedback that’s relevant to it. That way, you can see which of your customers are asking for it.
Click into any feature on your roadmap to see the feature request’s details.
Roadmap use cases
How can you use your roadmap? Here are some ideas.
1. Share your product vision internally. Share your product roadmap with all your internal teams and stakeholders, such as your executives, Engineering team, Sales, Customer Success, Customer Support, Marketing, and more. That way, everyone knows what features to expect and how your product will change.
2. Justify product decisions. Imagine you’re in a Sales meeting and someone asks you why you’re building Feature A over Feature B. Use evidence displayed on your roadmap to justify the decision. For example, the number of requests and revenue associated with each feature tells you how popular and valuable the feature is. You can also drill into each feature to look at the verbatim feedback. Tying your roadmap directly to customer feedback is a powerful way to communicate the evidence and justify product decisions.
3. Share your product vision externally. You may want to show your customers that you’re listening to their requests and taking them seriously. You can share a public roadmap with them so that they can see that you’re constantly improving the product and using their input to guide your development.
Awesome—how do I set it up?
To get the full step-by-step instructions for setting up roadmaps, check out the roadmaps knowledgebase article here.
Access to roadmaps may be limited depending on your Savio plan. Check out the pricing page for the most up-to-date plan details and access to roadmaps. (You can always try roadmaps out for free—just sign up here.)
Note: We built this roadmapping feature because you asked for it! Want something else? Let us know here.
More resources
- The Ultimate Guide to Product Roadmaps
- What Information Goes on a Product Roadmap?
- Roadmap Design Elements: Best Practices
- How to put your roadmap together
Kareem Mayan
Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.
Prioritize high-value Feature Requests
Centralize customer feedback from HubSpot, Intercom, and Slack.
Prioritize high-value features sorted by churned revenue or MRR.
Close the loop for Sales and CS by automating status updates from JIRA.