Canny pricing in 2023: How much does Canny cost?

Canny is a customer feedback management tool that lets SaaS companies collect and organize customer feedback. Its features include feedback boards, user voting, and integration with other tools such as Slack and Intercom. You can use it to centralize customer feedback and prioritize new features on a roadmap.

So is it right for you? And what does Canny cost?

Here’s everything you need to know about deciding whether Canny is worth it: its pricing, features, reviews, and alternatives.

Canny pricing in 2023

Canny’s pricing model is quite simple. There are three plans.

Screencap of Canny's pricing model for 2023

The “Free” plan gets you basic features you need to gather and prioritize feedback, like a voting board and an in-app feedback widget tool. It doesn’t cost anything. You get:

  • 3 Owner/Manager seats
  • 2 feedback boards
  • 1 roadmap
  • 1 integration

Its features are limited—for example, you can’t segment feedback by customer attributes, and you can’t make your feedback boards (or any of their contents) private. You also only get one integration, which makes collecting feedback somewhat inflexible.

The “Growth” plan is $400 per month—$4,800 per year (it’s $360 if you opt for yearly billing). It gets you:

  • 5 Owners/Manager seats (+ $40/month for additional seats)
  • Unlimited boards
  • Unlimited roadmaps
  • Unlimited integrations (although some, like HubSpot and Salesforce, aren’t included)

This plan has most of the features you need to really collect and prioritize feature requests, like user segmentation and unlimited integrations.

The “Business” plan is for enterprises. It’s a custom price and you get more flexibility with branding and compliance. You also need it to get access to the following integrations:

  • Azure DevOps
  • Okta
  • Azure Active Directory
  • One Login
  • HubSpot (you have to pay extra for this one)
  • Salesforce (you have to pay extra for this one)
  • Jira

Who is an “Owner/Manager” in Canny?

Each plan limits how many “Owner/Manager” seats you can have.

Owner/Managers are the admins that manage feedback and roadmaps. These will be your PMs, maybe some Customer Success team members, or on some teams, even a senior dev.

Contributors are people who submit feedback. You can have an unlimited number of these on any plan. These are people like your Customer Success team members, your Sales team, your help desk or customer support people, and perhaps even individuals on your marketing team.

End users are people who vote on your voting board, submit feedback, or comment on feedback—i.e. Your customers and users. You can have unlimited end-user seats.

Is there a free trial of Canny?

Yes: there is a free plan as well as a free trial of paid plans.

Canny is one of the few free feature request tracking apps. Its free plan offers the basic functions of your system, including unlimited owners/managers, as well as collaborators and feedback boards. There is no time limit, but it has very limited features.

There is also a 14-day free trial on the Growth plan. You can start it without providing credit card details.

You can’t start a free trial of the Business plan, but you can request a demo to learn more about it.

Caveat #1: Prices differ based on how you’re billed

If you pay for a year in advance, you get a 10% discount. To receive this discount, you must contact them.

Caveat #2: Discounts for startups

Canny offers discounts on the "Growth" plan for early-stage companies. They give you 75% off your first year using the platform and 50% off your second year.

They don’t list the requirements, you have to engage with their bot to see if you qualify, including giving your contact information.

Caveat #3: Discounts for some company categories

Canny also offers discounts for companies in specific segments such as healthcare, non-profit, and education. You have to contact them directly to get the details, including how much the discount is for.

Canny pricing calculator

So what will it actually cost you? Here are some scenarios.

Scenario 1: You’re a small team with 3 Owners

Imagine you’re a startup, and you want 3 seats for editors—one for a PM, your Dev lead, and a CS lead, for example. You need to collect feedback from Intercom, Slack, and through a feedback board. And imagine you want to be able to collect feedback as well as segment it so that you can prioritize your product roadmap effectively.

You would need the Growth plan. The free plan wouldn’t let you segment and wouldn’t let you have more than one integration.

You would pay $360 per month or $4,320 per year.

(Compare with Savio: For the same features in Savio, you’d need the professional plan. For three seats, you’d pay $157/month or $1,884 per year. Savio would save you over $2,400 each year.)

Scenario 2: You’re a larger company with 15 Owners

Now imagine you’re a large company, and you need 15 Owner/Manager seats for everyone—your PMs, CS leads, etc.

You could still use the Growth plan, but you’d have to pay for 10 extra seats. You’d pay $800 per month or $9,600 per year.

(Compare with Savio: For the same features in Savio, you’d pay for 15 seats on the professional plan. It’d be $625/month or $7,500 per year. Savio would save you over $2,100 each year.)

What do you get for that price?

So what are the features you get for that price?

1. Centralize and organize your team's insights and customer feedback on one feature voting board.

2. Analyze your feedback with filters, tags, and segmentations to help you make decisions (if you’re on the Growth plan).

3. Prioritize your feature requests and organize them on a visual roadmap document so your team can stay aligned.

4. Announce changes on a changelog.

Canny reviews—is it worth the cost?

Canny is expensive. Is it worth the investment? Here’s what Canny users have said about the pros and cons.

Canny pros

Users generally like Canny. They report that it is easy to use and efficient for getting feedback from customers. Some of the specific pros that they mention are:

  • Reliable for capturing feedback
  • Much less manual than tracking in spreadsheets
  • Ease of use with an intuitive interface
  • Responsive customer support
  • Much more efficient compared to receiving feedback via email or chat

A review from Jahanzeb S. on Capterra

Canny cons

However, users also mentioned some cons of using Canny. Some of the specific downsides of the software include:

The price—it’s quite expensive for the features it has:

  • Segmentation isn’t built in—you have to be on the Growth plan to use it
  • The design isn’t always intuitive or easy to use
  • You can remove the “Powered by” branding, but only on the Business plan
  • The voting board can’t be configured to remove bias

A review by Anirudh K on Capterra.

Are there more affordable alternatives to Canny?

For sure. Canny is quite expensive compared to many of the other feature request apps. We’ve actually curated a list of Canny alternatives—check it out for a bunch more affordable options.

Savio has most of Canny’s features

Savio is one of the best canny competitors and is much more affordable. It is lightweight and easy to use, allowing you to track and segment feature requests so you can quickly see which of your customers want which features. That way, you can find and build your highest-impact features.

It also has a lower price tag.

There only feature that Canny has but Savio is missing is a changelog.

On the other hand, Savio beats out Canny in several ways.

A better voting board

Canny offers a feedback board, which centralizes feedback from multiple sources and automates the grouping of similar requests.

However, like most voting boards, Canny’s can introduce bias.

  • People tend to vote for what’s already popular; Canny’s board shows the number of upvotes for each feature
  • People also tend to start at the top of the list; Canny’s board can’t randomize post order.

Savio’s board helps you avoid the pitfalls of feature voting and minimize bias so you get a clear, undistorted view of the voice of your customers.

  • You can hide vote counts, so users don't just vote for what's already popular
  • You can randomize the feature request list, so that users don't only vote for the first ones
  • You can make features public or private, so you can control which features everyone can see

Centralize product feedback from anywhere

Canny has quite a few integrations. You can easily centralize feedback from Intercom, Zendesk, Slack, HubSpot, Microsoft Teams, and Salesforce, amongst others. You can also connect to other apps using Zapier.

What if you get feedback from somewhere else?

Savio has many of the same integrations, including for Intercom, Zendesk, Slack, HubSpot, and Salesforce. We also integrate with some that Canny doesn’t, including Help Scout and Shopify.

Both Canny and Savio have a Chrome Extension available that lets you easily bring in feedback from any web tool. Canny's is available on the $400/m plan, and Savio's is available on the $99/m plan.

And if that still doesn’t work, we have an API that you can use to connect to anywhere. You can even collect feedback via email by simply forwarding a message to your Savio inbox.

Together, these give you more flexibility with collecting product feedback than Canny does.

Savio centralizes feedback from any channel.

Organize and segment your feedback and feature requests

Canny lets you segment your feedback so you can prioritize it better.

So does Savio. It lets you filter and sort to quickly find your highest-impact feature requests. For example, you can find:

  • The features your Enterprise customers are asking for
  • The features your free plan customers would pay for
  • The features with the highest cumulative MRR
  • The features new prospects are asking for

Here, we’ve filtered and sorted to find features with the highest cumulative MRR.

With the right information in hand, you can build better software that responds to your customers’ real needs.

Savio unites your team around your customers

Canny gives you tools to communicate product decisions and keep stakeholders engaged.

So does Savio.

You can share your feedback with your teams to justify or advocate for new features making it onto your roadmap.

Send feedback to colleagues and stakeholders to explain your product decisions

You can also quickly close the loop with customers to keep them engaged. Send personalized email messages when you build a feature that your customers have asked for.

Savio lets you close the loop in just a few clicks.

Close the customer feedback loop in Savio with just a few clicks.

The takeaway: Canny is one of the more expensive customer feedback tools

Canny offers tools you can use to collect and prioritize user feedback and feature requests. It lets you collect feedback, create public roadmaps, and manage a backlog of product feature ideas.

But it’s expensive for the value it provides.

Savio gives you the essential features you need to turn your customer insights into a better product. It will help you understand what your customers want, develop your product strategy, and align all your teams around a central product vision.

And you’ll save thousands each year using Savio instead of Canny.

Check out exactly how Savio can help you build a better product.

Try Savio, free.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

Learn more about Canny

Read next: Our Big Guide to Product Management Tools

Last Updated: 27-04-2023

Kareem Mayan

Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.

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Centralize, Organize, and Prioritize Your GTM Team Feature Requests

Centralize customer Feature Requests from Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more.